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Melody Weber

Director of Visual Media

Melody grew up in a military family, the daughter of a Naval Aviator (Ben) and an amazing homemaker and full-time Mom (Hazel).   Born in Corpus Christi, TX  she bounced from coast to coast most of her childhood, making great memories with her parents and little brother Ben.  After years of attending mainly Protestant services at the Navy Chapel she always had a heart for the Lord.  However it was when she was fifteen her family began attending a dynamic Baptist Church in Aurora, CO.  It was there that she gave her life to Jesus after a youth concert. She was active in her youth group and sang with the youth choir.  

Pensacola, FL is renowned for many things. One being the Cradle of Naval Aviation, (and mother in law capital for Navy pilots).  It was while she was attending the University of West Florida in Pensacola, that she met her husband Rob (on a blind date). He was stationed at NAS Pensacola as a Navy flight instructor for the T-2.  It was when they were stationed at NAS Whidbey Island in Oak Harbor, WA that Melody received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and became involved with Aglow Ministries.  She served on the local Aglow Board, taught bible studies and Sunday School during the years they were there. It was during this tour of duty that her two daughters, Holly and Susan were born. 

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After a tour at the Naval War College in Newport, RI it was on to Virginia Beach.  It was during this tour that Melody worked at the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) in the hair, makeup, and wardrobe dept of the film unit.  She worked on the flagship program 700 Club, in addition to making commercial spots, After School and School Break Specials, and other projects.  Those are memories she cherishes and was so blessed to work there.  

After retirement from the the Navy, Melody’s family moved back to Pensacola to be closer to family.  Rob was now flying for American Airlines and Melody was very active in the community and church.  It was during this time that her church, Brownsville Assembly of God hosted a major revival.  During this time she was blessed to sing in the choir, be on the prayer team, and volunteer in the conference dept.  She also worked on two revival documentaries during this time, one on the Brownsville Revival, and the other was the Cornfield Revival (Steve Gray church).  

Currently she resides in Pensacola, FL where she works as a professional makeup artist and esthetician.